Procedures under Sedation

For all your travel medicine & immunisation needs

While most people dislike needles, a proportion of children and adolescents have a genuine phobia of needles and injections. This phobia can be a significant source of distress for young patients and their families and can stop some people getting immunisations or procedures, making them vulnerable to preventable diseases or not able to access care they need.

If you or your child is experiencing a prolonged phobia or anxiety about needles, ask your doctor for advice and recommendations on how you can help your child. There are a range of techniques that can be used to reduce the pain and anxiety associated with needles, including preparation, distraction aids and pain management strategies.

When these strategies are unsuccessful, procedures administered under sedation may be considered.

How do I access this service at FITS Clinic?

Please complete the online booking form here, or review our FAQs here.

What is needle phobia?

Hear our FITS clinician, Dr Daryl Cheng on The House of Wellness talking about Needle Phobia.

How can FITS Clinic help with needle phobia?

FITS Clinic provides a range of options for selected needle phobic children and adolescents including distraction techniques for procedures or immunisation under sedation. See a walkthrough of our service based at Cabrini Health, Malvern below.